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Vintage Emergency! Collectibles

Assorted collectibles created before the 1990's- Click on the photos to view the full-size image
Tip: collectibles can often be found on Ebay.
For items produced after the 1980s, please visit the merchandise page.

We'd like to thank Richard Yokley and other fans for their unceasing search for E! toys!

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Action Figures & Accessories (LJN)

Action Figures in generic packaging [far right] from Montgomery Wards and J.C. Penny in 1978

Rescue Squad (plastic, to fit action figures)


Station 51 Action Set (LJN)

Station 51 (Fleetwood) - not pictured



TV Week

TV's Top 10

"TV Album"
 by Peggy Herz

"Emergency!" written by Chris Stratton (published by Popular Library)

Set of 4 Comic Books - 1976-1977 (Charlton)


Set of 4 Magazines - 1976-1977 (Charlton)


Book, Smash Magazine (provided by Bob McCullough)


Card, Trading - Topps "E!/Adam 12" Card Set (50 cards in the set/27 were "E!")


1973 Topps "Emergency-Adam 12" Test Issue Finish Card #27.  Card measures 2 1/2" x 3 1/2"

Other Cards


Milton Bradley Board Games
11x17, 11x14 ( 2 different fronts)

Pocket Flix "E!"
Ideal Toy Corp

Viewmaster Reels



Lunchboxes - Aladdin CB radio shaped like
Squad 51 (LJN)
Dome w/thermos





Thanks to John Zajac for the photo of the Johnny Gage coloring book below.

Sheet Music


Record Album


Coloring Books

Poster Book

Assorted Scripts

Jigsaw Puzzles (Casse-Tete)  Canned Puzzles - "Hook and Ladder", "The Squirt", "The Pumper"; Boxed Puzzle. From the Last puzzle from the ABC Catalog (photos of Johnny & Roy included in the puzzle)

9-piece Frame Tray Puzzle featuring a color illustration of the main cast along with the "Los Angeles County Emergency Paramedic" shield.   Marked "© 1977 Emergency Productions", No. 5400 P. Manufactured by Lowe.


Emergency! Model

"E! Walkie-Talkie set

"E!" survival kit

Rescue Light


7 pc Paramedic Kit

E!" Firefighter Set
Helmet, SCBA, Bullhorn & Badge (Placo)

Plastic Fire Helmets -  Red, Yellow, Black & Gold (Placo)
Thanks to John Zajac for the photo of the gold helmet above.

Rescue Squad #267 (Dinky)

Rescue Squad #302 (Dinky)
Emergency Squad Gift Set



Rescue Squad & Engine
(Road Stars)
Rescue Squad, Engine, Helicopter & Firehouse (Fleetwood)
1975 Fleetwood Toys


Air Rescue


Issued in 1981 by Imperial toys. The Engine and Squad with different tampos. If they look familiar it is because the castings are the same used by LJN for the models released as '51' in 1975 in the Road*Stars series. this box set released in 1981.

2 Die Cast Metal Champ of the Road Emergency Vehicles - Thanks Richard!
Paramedic Vehicle: 1/50 scale van & Fire Engine: 1/50 scale truck
Unconfirmed if these were actually licensed "Emergency!" items.  The advertising does show the firefighters wearing 'our' helmets :-)


August 3-9, 1974 (cover & article)
June 17-23, 1972
(Julie London, cover & article)
April 1-7, 1974

August 16-22, 1975 (cover)

August 9-15, 1975 (review)

August 18-24

July 29-August 4, 1972 (article)

October 20-26, 1973 (article on Randolph Mantooth)  [not pictured]

Press Kit - Text only  (provided by Suellen)
[First Cover Page] [Page 1] [Concept] [About the Production]
[Fuller Bio] [Mantooth Bio] [Tighe Bio] [London Bio] [Troup Bio]

JUNIOR PARAMEDIC FAN CLUB mp3 files & more! (provided by Sheri)

Assorted teeny-bopper magazines and articles

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From the cartoon series Emergency+4

Collectibles and other information from the cartoon series "Emergency+4" can be found here.


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This page is not associated with Universal, MCA or its affiliates. Some items are on loan to emergencyfans.com from various sources. These sources retain their copyright. Original works submitted by fans (such as filksongs & fan fiction) are property of their authors and cannot be duplicated without the author's permission. Any information not previous copyrighted is © 1997– by Emergencyfansdotcom and cannot be reproduced without express written permission • Search by sitePrivacy Policy