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Frequently asked questions.

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What does KMG365 mean?
Is Emergency on tv (in syndication) in my area?
Where can I find videos for the show?
Where can I get Emergency! ringtones for my cell phone?
Where can I buy vintage collectibles for the show?
Where can I find out more about the various equipment used on the show?
Where can I find out more about the various terms and procedures used on the show?
What is that "thing" on the top of the squad?
blackjack gratis.
Will there be another Emergency! convention?
I heard there was a book in the works pertaining to Emergency!, is that true?
Where can I visit Emergency! landmarks?
Why do all your e-mail links take me to the contact page?  You make me click twice!

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What does KMG365 mean?

The *KMG365* code that the Captain (or whoever acknowledges the radio dispatch) gives, is the FCC station license number for the base radio at that station. It is similar to the station license numbers like KTLA, WTBS, etc. that TV and radio stations use and the N6ACY, W5TZB, etc. that *ham* radio operators use to ID themselves per the FCC regulations. For instance, KA4993 is the FCC station license number for all the mobile radios (car, motorcycle, truck) that the California Highway Patrol uses. Additionally, each CHP station's base radio (and each regional CHP dispatch center) has a different station license number. 
- information provided by Erik

Did you know…
KMG-365 is an actual call sign, licensed to the County of Los Angeles for the radio frequency of 154.430 - which is an assigned fire service frequency? It is! I just searched the FCC's site and this is an actual call-sign. Now, I'm not certain if LACoFD actually uses this frequency (or call sign), but it is valid. 
- information provided by Mark

Is "Emergency!" in syndication in my area?

Check our broadcast page Please do not e-mail me asking me to put "Emergency!" on tv, I don't have any special magical abilities.  If you want "Emergency!" syndicated in your local area, write your local stations and request they add it to their schedule.  Stations generally purchase their syndicated programs once a year.

Where can I find videos of the show?

Walmart, Amazon and several other retailers are currently carrying seasons I & II on DVD (season III to be released in February 2007).  We will post the release date for future seasons as soon as we get them :-)  You might also check Ebay, there were a selected number of episodes released to video tape several years ago through JEMS.

Where can I find "Emergency!" ringtones for my cell phone?

T-mobile, Cingular, Sprint, Nextel, Downloadable 
P.S. Please do not ask me how to download these, I don't even own a cell phone.

Where can I buy vintage collectibles for the show?

Try ebay.  I've found a lot of my own collectibles there. 

Where can I find out more about the various equipment used on the show?

The Emergency! Equipment manifest - A spotter's guide to the cool equipment.  Compiled by:  Paul Keenleyside

Where can I find out more about the various terms and procedures used on the show?

Try our layman's guide to Emergency! terms and procedures.

What is that "thing" on the top of the squad?

We can tell that the two way radio antenna on the Squad truck used in the tv series was mounted on the cab roof just behind the F/S Twinsonic lightbar.  What the heck is the small "bubble" mounted to the top of the speaker housing?  It appears to have a silver base and clear dome and probably measures 1-2 inches in diameter and height. --Paul Biener

It is not an Opticom device (for changing traffic lights) as they were not invented yet.  The light on top of the chrome siren speaker housing is a white light that was used for helicopter identification.  -- Richard Yokley

Will there ever be another "Emergency!" convention?

Probably not.  We have lost so many cast and crew members since 1998.  Also, most of the stars who are still around have moved on to other projects that require their time and energy.  Be sure if we hear about a legitimate convention, we won't be keeping it a secret!!!

I heard there was a book in the works pertaining to "Emergency!," is that true?

For everybody out there that has been talking about someone publishing a book on Emergency!, there is a book titled 'Everything Emergency!' in the works.  Work began on it late last year and involves members of the cast, crew, TA's, special effects people and more.

This is a fan oriented book that will give the readers a lot of information about the program that has not been published before, including rarely seen and never before published photos.

One of the authors is Richard Yokley a retired firefighter in San Diego CA who wrote the book 'TV Firefighters' published last year. 

Check out our "What's New" page for the latest info on this project.

Where can I visit "Emergency!" landmarks?

The Squad

The Engine

The Station (Keep in mind that this is a working fire station!)

Rampart (Keep in mind that is is a working hospital!)

Shooting Locations (in progress)

Why do all your e-mail links take me to the contact page?

Having to click on the link, then on the e-mail address is annoying, isn't it?  On the contact page, we have set up our e-mails using a javascript so that spambots cannot harvest them from the internet.  I'm not good with java, so I only did it the once, then linked to that one page.

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This page is not associated with Universal, MCA or its affiliates. Some items are on loan to emergencyfans.com from various sources. These sources retain their copyright. Original works submitted by fans (such as filksongs & fan fiction) are property of their authors and cannot be duplicated without the author's permission. Any information not previous copyrighted is © 1997– by Emergencyfansdotcom and cannot be reproduced without express written permission • Search by sitePrivacy Policy