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Please note:
We used a lot of this info in our trivia questions. If you plan on visiting our trivia pages, we suggest you visit this page last so you don't spoil
the fun ;-)
John "Johnny" Roderick Gage
Career: We know that Johnny was working at station 10 as a rescue man/firefighter
before he joined the paramedic program, graduated, and was assigned with Roy to
Station/Squad 51. He has attempted to help improve the fire service by inventing a
foam bomb, a canvas spanner sleeve, and a better way to record runs (all of which
failed). He has also served on the paramedic advisory committee, run for the
firemen's welfare committee (but lost), and gone on television shows to help increase the
public's awareness of fire safety and the paramedic program. Though he, himself, has
been responsible for causing a fire at the station when he attempted to fix a
television. He has received an award for "performance above and beyond the call
of duty" but later discovered that it was given to him in error. He is often
the target of Chet's practical jokes. He was once accused of stealing money from a
victim but was later cleared of the charges. Occasionally he becomes
emotionally involved with his victims, like the time he agreed to take care of a victim's
dog. He seldom gets to drive the squad. Johnny seems inordinately
accident prone, injuries sustained while on the job include: being punched by a drunk,
cutting his hand while attempting to rescue a victim from an overturned car, injuring his
hand on a nail while attempting to catch a purse snatcher, getting hit by a car after a
call, slipping and bruising his ribs on a climb, being overcome by a dangerous illness
while attempting to rescue an injured man from a scaffold, spraining his back doing
handsprings (off duty), mild smoke inhalation and a fall off a stairway, breaking his leg
when he's trapped in an exploding apartment building, twisting his knee while repelling
down a steep embankment, pulling a muscle during a fire, being bitten by a rattlesnake
after a rescue, injuring his leg during a fire while rescuing a guard from a fire, and
suffering radiation poisoning while rescuing a victim from a fire at a lab.
Surprisingly, Johnny lived through all this and was eventually promoted to captain
Personal Life: Born August 28th. Johnny has a
Native American heritage and grew up in the country. The only relative we know of
for sure is an aunt. Johnny's something of a swinging single. He's happy to go
out with virtually any pretty face and has been engaged twice: once by accident when
his girlfriend misinterpreted something he said, and once on purpose, though she later
broke it off. He's dated a wide variety of women including a deputy, a reporter, a
stewardess, and of course nurses. Somewhat fickle, he has considered a multitude of
business ventures including: buying a hot-dog stand, buying a boat, going into the floor
cleaning business, becoming a gameshow producer/writer, and riding in the rodeos.
His wide variety of hobbies also shows insight to his character: editor of his high
school newspaper, high school track star, photographer, model, singer in a barbershop
quartet, fisherman, guitar player, creating his own card game, and fixing up an old
engine. He is also prone to jealousy, especially when other paramedics get press
coverage. Johnny's life is not all fun and games. On the more serious side,
he's talked bank robbers into surrendering and has had to deal with the death of a close
friend. He also settles his debts: he's had run-ins with his credit card
company, the IRS, and picked up the tab for the dinner of a certain English visitor who
saved his life. He is prone to seasickness and stage fright.

Roy DeSoto
Career: Roy
spent some time in the service before becoming a firefighter. He was one of the
original six paramedics to complete the program. He has served on the paramedic advisory
committee and run for the welfare committee (but lost). He also invented a canvas
spanner sleeve for the department but never submitted it to the committee. He has
occasionally had second thoughts about being a paramedic: once when a victim he treated
died, and another time when he is up for promotion for engineer, but both times he decided
that being a paramedic was what he wanted most. He has been accused of stealing money and
hitting a pedestrian, but was later cleared of both charges. He received a
commendation, but it was later discovered to have been an error. Though Roy often
warned Johnny about getting too involved with their victims, he's been guilty of it
himself: once he took a victim's son into his home for several days (the child
reeked havoc) and another time he agreed to take care of a victim's plants. Injuries
sustained while on the job include: mild abrasions sustained during an explosion at
rail yard, being overcome by heat at a nightclub fire, injuring his shoulder while rescuing
an escaped prisoner, minor burns from both a fire & creosote, injuring his arm when
he's blown out a window during an explosion, minor head wound and bruises when the
ambulance he's riding in is involved in an accident, electrocution by power lines (saved by
a new trainee), injuries sustained in a fireworks warehouse explosion, getting hit
in the eye with cobra venom, and falling through floor during a fire. Roy survives
these mishaps and is eventually promoted to captain
Personal Life:
Born November 7th. Roy is a solid, dependable family man, though he doesn't mind
thumbing through an occasional Playboy at the barbershop. He is married to
Joanne, who he's known since the third grade. In fact, they even went on a quiz show
together. He has two children, a young son, Chris, and a daughter. Also a
mother-in-law he doesn't get along with, and a sister-in-law. In the past, Roy was
on the Norwalk High School swim team and sang barbershop
quartet. As a child, he had his tonsils removed but they later grew back. His
hobbies include fishing, picking winning racehorses (for fun), and working on the old
engine that he and Johnny bought. He has also thought about going into
business on the side. In fact, the floor cleaning business was his idea. The
rest of the ideas were usually Johnny's and Roy tended not to go along with them at first,
but Johnny usually convinced him…eventually. After a lot of thought, Roy
eventually bought a house at Johnny's urging. Roy is generally a nice guy and went out of
his way not to hurt the feelings of a grateful victim that called him continually. He also
provided emotional support for the wife of a fellow firefighter who was injured, and
helped Molly, who's husband (also a firefighter) had been killed. One of Roy's
favorite phrases is: "Chili Today, Hot Tamale" .

Dr. Kelly "Kel" Brackett
Kelly Brackett attended John's
Hopkins to become a doctor even though he father wanted him to be a
lawyer. Kel is an excellent doctor; however, he does suffer from a lack of diplomacy
at times. They say that doctors make the worst patients, we see this is true of him
as well when he's been: gaffed by a catfish, overcome by a dangerous illness, and involved
in a car accident.. His hobbies include tennis. He seems to focus on his
work, leaving little time for a social life. He and Dixie dated for a period of time
but apparently decided that it wasn't meant to be. We see that Kel is more than just
brains when he punches out a biker to protect Dixie.

Dr. Joe Early
Dr. Early is a neurosurgeon who donates his time to
the ER department. This may have something to do with his having been Kelly
Brackett's intern (go figure?). Due to his calming bedside manner, he often treats
child-aged patients at Rampart. He has other talents as well and seems to be both
mechanically and musically inclined. Early was once a patient at Rampart when he had
to undergo heart bypass surgery. He loves enchiladas and Captain Stanley's clam

Dixie "Dix" McCall
Dix is head nurse at Rampart Emergency Hospital.
Her past experiences include working in a MASH unit during the Korean war and in the
Pediatrics Department at Rampart. Dixie has dated (and even been engaged) to several
people in the past, one being Dr. Brackett, and another, a famous actor. Dixie is
tough and efficient but well-like by almost everyone. The paramedics even got
together to throw her a surprise birthday party once. She doesn't have a high
tolerance for red tape however, and has written a scathing letter to management in the
past along with a little subterfuge against a supply nurse. Dix has a brother, but
we know very little about him except that he used to carve peachpit baskets. If
doctors make the worst patients, what do nurses make? Dixie was once injured during
a rescue with Johnny and Roy and suffered a concussion, broke a toe when her foot was
runover by an x-ray machine, broke her ankle and suffered a concussion while kicking a
shopping cart, and sustained minor injuries during an explosion and fire at Rampart.

Captain "Hank" Henry Stanley
We know that Hank is married and has a mother-in-law. In
the past, when he was an engineer, there was an incident involving the burning of
McConkie's hat. This makes him paranoid when dealing with McConkie (once his
captain, now his battalion chief). We never get to find out why he did it, but
apparently it was a clear case of arson. The captain is well-respected and runs a
tight ship but doesn't mind a little horsing around when appropriate, like when all the
guys decided to gang up on Chet and give him some of his own practical-joking medicine or
when they decided to name the station's mascot "Henry" too. He hates fish
but makes a mean clam chowder. Unlike Johnny, Chet, and Marco, Stanley's head seldom
gets turn by a pretty head, with the exception of a movie star that once visited the
station. Like everyone else, the Capt has had his share of accidents including
almost being electrocuted and injuring his leg during a fire. The captain hopes to
take the chief's exam and be promoted.

Chester "Chet" B. Kelly
https://pisowifi.top. black jack juego.
Before Chet joined the service, he was in the military. It's
unclear whether he learned to operate heavy machinery there or from his grandfather, a New
York subway operator. Chet is practical joker and all around kiss-up. He also
seems to have an abundance of bad, old jokes. Even his attempt at an invention
sounds like a joke: suction cup shoes. This maybe because with at least
two other siblings (a brother and a sister) he is used to competing for attention.
He holds two unofficial department records: losing his badge and slowest drill time. He often drives the squad for Johnny & Roy if they're busy with
a patient. Chet has helped start two fires at the station, once while refinishing his
skis, and once when he helped Johnny "fix" the TV. His favorite hobby is
collecting antique barbed wire. Not much of a sportsman, Chet did excelled briefly
at playing basketball and baseball, and once considered taking up skiing and occasionally
likes to go fishing. He is definitely not married and has even dates some of
the same girls Johnny does. His favorite movies include The Thing That Ate the
World and Terror at the Library. Chet, like
Johnny, can often become obsessed about things -- he's gone overboard about the
guys' diet and ridding the station of a mouse. He also has had his share of accidents
including: getting blown off a balcony, falling halfway through a roof, breaking his
shoulder during a rescue attempt, getting blown off a ladder, bruising the same shoulder
during a call to an ice skating rink and a practice drill, and getting soot in his eyes
during a brushfire. Chet has been studying to become an engineer but so far has only
scored 74th to our knowledge. Oh, yeah, and he makes a great pot of chili :-).

Marco Lopez
Marco is considered a pretty good cook by the guys, he makes a great Irish stew
and loves chili with anything, including eggs. He and Stoker once teamed up and
tried to create an entry for the invention contest but things didn't work out quite like
they planned. In fact, the invention that was supposed to put out fires, ended up
catching fire. Marco was also single and dated an occasional nurse. He was a
softy and chose the name "Herbert" for the mouse at the station. Marco,
like the rest, has had his share of on-the-job injuries including: wrenching his shoulder
during a dust explosion, being dazed by an explosion at a junkyard, and nearly being
electrocuted at a gas station.

Mike Stoker
Mike Stoker was the engineer for Engine 51 which means he drove
the engine and was responsible for the operation of the engine at the scene of a
fire. Mike is a quite, unassuming firefighter. We don't believe Mike was married; a
fellow firefighter did make a reference to Mike's wife but we think it was just a joke.
Mike made great fried chicken and spaghetti. He also entered the inventions
and innovations contest with Marco, but to no avail.

Mike Morton
Mike Morton spent his internship and residency at Rampart. While Mike was a good
doctor, he was often accused of having a bad bedside manner. He also played

Reoccurring Characters
Vince was often the policeman on the scene when the
engine or squad arrived. While he never confused his job with that of the firemen,
he was always ready to lend a hand when they needed some extra manpower. Vince,
while suffering from a head injury, once pulled a gun on Johnny. Luckily for
Johnny and Vince, the rest of the station came to their rescue. His character
was actually a deputy with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. He is almost
always seen in the normal street uniform of the LACSD - tan khaki shirt, black tie, green
pants, and wearing the tan and black helmet. -- Thanks Bruce |
Charlie is the grouchy station mechanic and is very protective
of the fire department's vehicles. Everyone tries to stay on his good side,
since he has a short temper and has won over 50 professional fights. He also owns a
boat which the station considered buying but the deal fell though. Charlie is
married. |
Craig Brice
Craig Brice is a highly respected paramedic, however
his perfectionist attitude and by-the-book philosophy makes him a very difficult person to
work with. He was paired briefly with Roy while Johnny was in the hospital, and even
easy-going Roy had problems dealing with him. Craig served on the paramedic
advisory committee and competed in the Fireman's Olympics. He is eventually promoted
to captain at the same time as Johnny and Roy. |
Crockett is a detective with the police department. He is smart and
fiercely loyal to his men, which caused some conflict with Roy and Dixie at first,
still, they realize that he is a good man. He helped Roy and Johnny out
of a jam when they were accused of hitting a pedestrian. |
Chief McConakee
When Captain Stanley was an Engineer, Chief McConakee was
his Captain and apparently they have quite a past. There was an incident
involving the burning of McConakee's hat and, though we never find out why Stanley
did it, it was apparently a clear case of arson. While Stanley seems to think
that McConakee holds some sort of grudge because of the incident, the Chief seems
unbothered by the past to us, and even jokes about it. The Chief is Irish and proud
of it. |
Boot was a stray mutt that showed up at the station one day. The guys
liked him and decided to adopt him. He later proves his worth by locating an injured
hiker for Johnny and Roy. He leaves Station 51 for a more exciting station with a
snorkel truck, but eventually returns. He seems to gets along fine with cats.
He is very sensitive and Chet hurt his feelings once. He is also something of a
garbage hound. |
is a basset hound that just appeared one day while the guys were out on a run. He is
thought to be the laziest dog that ever lived and it most famous for never once leaving
the couch. He favorite person seems to be Chet. Never refer to him as
Hank! |
Thanks to Shawn, Shon & Bill for additional info.