Green Thumb/How Green was my Thumb?
Script #37426; Episode #3.17; Airdate: 1/26/1974

Writer: John Groves
Director: Christian I. Nyby, II
Guest Cast: Will Hutchins, Eric Shea, Don Chastain, Leigh Christian,
William Wintersole, Helen Clark, Donald Mantooth***, Pamela Hensley, George P. Wallace, Kim
Richards, Vince Howard, Jack Kosslyn.
Story: Roy takes care of a divorcee's plants
while she is in the hospital. Roy and Johnny assist a man who has breathing problems. A
young girl's religious parents prevent necessary treatment. The station responds to a fire
in a winery. Dr. Brackett and the paramedics perform backyard surgery on a man with an
unexploded grenade in his abdomen.
Goofs: (1) Johnny is filling the squad's radiator when they get
a call, he closes the hood but he never put the radiator cap back on. (2) They defib the guy with the grenade in his gut twice but they don't recharge the
after doing it the first time! (3) When Engine and Squad 51 pull up to the
winery fire, watch Johnny struggle to open his door. It takes some time but he
gets it open. (4) It's at the winery fire. Engine 51 pulls up laying a supply
line and Captain Stanley tells Chet to pull a 1 1/2". He does so and after a bit
Marco comes running up after hooking up the hydrant. Then Captain Stanley asks
him to pull a 1 1/2" as well. HOWEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He grabs the reel line
instead. It's unmistakable since the 1 1/2", 2 1/2" as well as 3 1/2" hoses are
white (at least at the time for L.A. County Fire Department at the time when
Emergency aired) The Ward La France engine 51 used RED reel line. I don't know
why I didn't ever notice that before. - Jason
Tidbits: Donald Mantooth - brother of Randolph Mantooth