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- Johnny sells how many tickets to the fireman's picnic? What does he win? What did he
want to win?(Loose Ends)
- Who does Johnny call a "baby barracuda"?(Women)
- What's Chet's hobby?(On Camera)
- What is Roy's son's name?(Hang Up)
- How much pressure is in a fire hydrant? (Peace Pipe)
- Capt Stanley hates this food. (Welcome to Santa Rosa County)
- Brackett's father wanted him to be what instead of a doctor? (Prestidigitation)
- What is Video Candrisis ?(Details)
- What other two nearby hospitals are involved in the paramedic program?(The
Inspection, Fools)
- Who was editor of his high school paper?(All Night Long)
- How long has Roy known his wife?(Details)
- What character has had 50 professional fights?(The Boat)
- What other episode did the actress that played Roy's wife in the pilot episode play
(Music Mania)
- What's a wuffle spring?(Cooks Tour)
- The Captain thinks the Battalion Chief is out to get him. Why (be specific)? What's
the Chief's name?(Onward and Upward)
- In which episode does Brackett punch someone and who is it?(Smoke Eater)
- Chet excelled, briefly, at these two sports.(It's How you Play the Game, Firehouse
- What episode do Johnny and Roy attempt to break up a bar fight? Who saves their butt
when the guys brawling begin to gang up on them?(The Mouse)
- What's Johnny's middle name?(Lighter-Than-Air Man)
- What did Chet's granddad do for a living?(To Buy or not to Buy)
- What episode does Boot defect and why?(Kids)
- What the name of the biggest guy in the department?(Firehouse Quintet)
- What's Chet's full name?(The Promotion)
- What two people are treated for landing in cactus?(Nagging Suspicion, Surprise)
You guys are kidding right? On to level
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