

Level I Answers

  1. In which episode does the station get a new engine?
  2. What episode were Roy and John held hostage?
  3. How many times has Chet been injured enough to be sent to the hospital?
  4. In what episode did John and Chet get high on marijuana & how?
  5. Which episode does Johnny deliver his first baby?
  6. What episode shows the guys practicing a dress-out drill ? Who is the slowest? What's his penalty?
  7. In "The Game" what team number are Johnny and Roy?
  8. In "The Game" what does Roy do to Johnny in the shower?
  9. In "The Game" Mr. Anderson says his family was the only one in NJ that got a Christmas card from where?
  10. How many episodes did Randolph Mantooth's brother play in? Which ones?
  11. What episode did Kelly Troup (I assume she is Bobby Troup's other, younger daughter) play in?
  12. What episodes did Bobby Troup's daughter Ronnie play in?
  13. What ankle did Roy hurt during the basketball game?
  14. Who gets to drive the antique firetruck to the parade (which they never get to) in "The Parade" ?
  15. What are the 4 hoses they use on the show?
  16. What does TKO mean?
  17. The English visitor refers to Americans as what?
  18. What do Roy and Johnny tell Morton that Chet fed them for lunch in "Crash Diet"?
  19. In "I'll Fix It" who takes the motorbike apart? Who puts it back together?
  20. In "Daisy's Pick" three guys end up 'going out' with Daisy, where did they end up? All three sustained injuries, who was injured and how?
  21. Why does Brackett blame himself for the accident in "Loose Ends"?
  22. What does Chet use to polish a nozzle in "Upward and Onward" ?
  23. Boot rides off on a snorkel truck in "Kids", in what episode does he first reappear?
  24. What does Dr. Morton mistake a spider bite for in "Nurses' Wild"?
  25. Roy told his wife _____ (who) made great spaghetti?
  26. What food caused the botulism in "Botulism"?
  27. Where was the country couple from in "Music Mania" ? (The one with the sick little boy.)
  28. Do Roy and Johnny wear briefs or boxers?
  29. In "The Mouse" where was the other engine company from that helped them at the apartment fire and one of the men rescued John?
  30. What was the chef's real name in "Pressure 165"?
  31. Where did they put the IV in the alcoholic man in "Dinner Date"?
  32. How old is the girl that Johnny gets engaged to in "Details"? How many kids does she have?
  33. In "Quicker Than the Eye" what do the guys tell Chet he can do for a living (with bad eyesight).
  34. What does the apron that Johnny's wears while he does dishes in "Dealer's Wild" say?
  35. How much are Johnny and Roy accused in stealing in "Rip Off" and who actually stole the money?
  36. Why was Johnny and Roy's previous paramedic lecturer brought into Rampart?
  37. In "Tee Vee" how much does the new T.V. cost the guys and how big is it?
  38. In what episode does Johnny get punched?
  39. What's the name of the Hamburger place in "Loose Ends" where Roy gets the hamburger while Johnny fixes the fan belt on the squad?
  40. In what episode do we hear about "Brackettitis"?
  41. In which episodes have the firemen been mistaken for policemen?

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