


ginoa.jpg (15772 bytes) Producer

Birthplace:  Hollywood, California
black jack juego.
Contact Info:  Not available
Current Projects: 
Other Wepages: Internet Movie Database

ginoandbc2.jpg (23503 bytes)I was born in Hollywood, California, and have resided here all my life.  Would you believe that makes me a NATIVE CALIFORNIAN…one of the few left.   I attended Hollywood High and the University of Southern California.  My first meaningful employment was in the Editing Department at Universal Studios.  During that time I worked both with Jack Webb and Bob Cinader on Dragnet and Adam 12, and when Emergency! was bought as a series by NBC, Cinader asked me if I would consider joining the show.  I did, and from that moment on, Bob became my mentor and a wonder friend for the next twelve years until his unfortunate passing 1982.

What was unique about Emergency! was the fact that it brought together a cast and crew which dedicated themselves, each contributing his/her different talents, to helping advancement of the Paramedic program in California as well as throughout the country.  Emergency! was on the air for seven years; 129 one-hour episodes and two-hour longforms.

For all those who were involved in the making of Emergency!: actors, crew, editors, writers, directors, producers, and technical advisors, I would like to say, and I'm sure they would agree, it was a period in our lives that we are extremely proud of and will never forget.

Two other television series that I have produced are Knightrider, starring David Hasselhoff, and Joe Dancer, starring Robert Blake.  I also have produced many movies for television as well as mini-series including:  Of Mice and Men, Midnight Lace, A Promise Kept: The Oksana Bauil Story, The Immigrants, The Rebels, The Seekers and Condominium.

At the present time I am writing a 12-hour docudrama mini-series on the Oneida American Indians titled, Iroquois Patriots:  The Oneida Dynasty.  If all goes well, I should complete this project in the year 2000. 


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