




Script #35707; Episode #2.6; Airdate: 10/21/1972

Writer: Herb Purdum
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George Fenady

Guest Cast: Larry Storch, Elizabeth Baur, Kelly Troup, Michael Rupert, Deidre Hall, Jay Hammer, Barbara Bosson, Christopher Guardino, Edward Crawford

Story: Johnny decides he can make extra money by riding in rodeos. A soda bottle explodes in a girl's face.  Later, at the same diner, a man is injured in a gas explosion. A child falls out of a tree.  A bus with school children and a nun goes off an embankment. Dixie has a run-in with a portable x-ray machine.

Goofs:  (1) When Station 51 and truck 43 are dispatched to the bus accident, the dispatcher gives the time out as 12:42… the call is supposed to be 16 miles from the nearest cross street, and while responding Roy states, "coming up on 16 miles", which leads us to believe that's how far they actually went. When Captain Stanley calls for an additional engine, dispatch assigns engine 801 and gives them a time out of 12:43… 16 miles in one minute? I want a vehicle that travels that well… (2) After tending to the girl with the glass in her eyes from the pop bottle explosion, Roy writes a citation for a faulty glass heater to the owner of the lunch stand.  The owner of the lunch stand is shown pouring sweat. It appears hot outside since all passersby are in shirt sleeves. Why would the lunch stand owner be running a gas heater in the middle of the day?

Tidbits:  Kelly Troup is the daughter of Bobby Troup

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