


The Parade

Script #40611; Episode #4.13; Airdate: 12/21/1974

Writer: Preston Wood
George Fenady

Guest Cast: Phillip Pine, Stan Adams, Timothy Blake, Peggy Mondo, Laurie Burton, Jan Arven.

Story: Roy and Johnny finish restoring their old fire engine in time to ride in the California Firefighters Parade but a department store fire interrupts their plans. A man with heart problems insists on driving and causes an accident for which the other driver blames herself.  A man accidently slips himself a "micky."

Goofs:  At the end where they are at the apartment house fire, John and Roy are on the roof with the two tenants when Cap and Kelly come up the fire escape on the next building. As they go up it you notice a couple in the window in that building watching the action of the fire. Considering how fully involved with fire the next building is wouldn't you think surrounding buildings would also be evacuated as well as a precaution?

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