


One of Those Days

ruleta online.

Script #42817; Episode #5.9; Airdate: 11/8/1975

Writer: Preston Wood
Joseph Pevney

Guest Cast: Lara Parker, Marla Adams, Penelope Windust, Shirley Mitchell, Ross Elliott.

Story: An elderly woman's stomach problems lead to a family brawl with Johnny & Roy in the middle. Roy and Johnny respond to a hotel with a broken elevator, a two-car accident with no victims, and rescue a child trapped in a burning building. Meanwhile, Dr. Brackett deals with a civic-minded mother with no concern for her sick child.

Goofs:  (1) On the first call, when Captain Stanley responds on the radio to the dispatcher, his base radio's microphone is not connected to the radio. (2) John and Roy respond to a drunk who lives in an apartment building with a broken elevator. While outside the building, Roy is wearing his watch. While John and him are running up the stairs, Roy's watch is missing. When they reach the victim, his watch is back!  As they leave the building via the stairs, the watch is gone again.

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