


The Old Engine

Script #37402; Episode #3.2; Airdate: 9/29/1973

Writer: Preston Wood
Christian I. Nyby

juegos crash.

Guest Cast: Ross Elloitt, Michael Conrad, Laurette Spang, Regina Parton, Ann Doran, Raymond Man, Lorraine Baptist

Story: Roy and Johnny buy a 1932 fire engine and Station 51 gets a new engine. A woman overdoses on LSD, leading the two paramedics on a chase to the top of a building. Dr. Brackett treats a vigorous gunshot victim.  A politician suffers a heart attack and the station responds to a warehouse fire.

Goofs: (1) O.K. Their stock sound footage is used in a lot of questionable places, but after the fire is out at the junkyard? (2) As the squad is driving up to the house of the girl on drugs, the squad drives over the neighbor's fence bending it. After the girl runs out the house and the guys are chasing her, you notice that the fencing they ran over is now whole again! (3) Johnny comes out of the locker room and asks "Where's the squad, A-shift not back yet?" He is A-shift! (4) Johnny & Roy get dispatched to a possible overdose at 2267 West Hill, Apartment 6--the LSD tripping girl who freaks out and runs away from the guys. But when she and the guys run out of the first- floor apartment, however, the numbers "11044" are seen on the overhang above the girl's door. (And when Roy is backing the squad out of her driveway and into the street the show's crew is seen in a very brief flash in the driver's door rearview mirror.)  (5) At the warehouse fire, why is Mike Stoker doing with the air tanks? He just seems to be taking them out of the right compartment and just laying them on the jump seat for whatever reason. (6)  Even though the initial units called do not show up, engine 9 and engine and truck 17 roll up. However these units were NOT even mentioned in the second alarm (much less the first) (7) The call goes out for the warehouse fire at the end (station 51, engines 27 and 32 with truck 105), however when station 51 arrives at the scene and starts directing the companies, there is absolutely no mention of the companies that were originally called out

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