


Not Available

Script #44912; Episode #6.2; Airdate: 10/2/1976

reglas curling.

Writer: Preston Wood
Cliff Bole

Guest Cast: Arnold Turner, Wayne Heffley, Scott Arthur Allen, Bill Boyett, Kristen Banfield, Dorothy Love, Ivy Bethune, Burton Cooper.

Story: Roy and Johnny feel there should be a better system for assessing calls when they have to take a call for Squad 39 and it takes them twenty minutes to reach the victim. The squad responds to a man with a possible heart attack, a woman fainting outside a grocery store, and a man trapped and injured in a car. Roy must rescue an escaped prisoner stranded on the side of a building.

Goofs:  Roy and Johnny start an IV on the patient in Dilemma but no one rides in with him even though it's made clear in several episodes (like Not Available) that they are supposed to stay with the patient once they start an IV.  Sometimes they don't even check the patient's vitals before they ship 'em off to Rampart.  When the guys are treating the two fighting neighbors (Heavyweight), Johnny calls on the landline to Rampart and the first thing that Dr. Brackett asks him is "Have you started an IV yet?" Without even knowing the man's vital signs or paramedic assessment! They make a big deal throughout the show that paramedics can not administer IV's or any other medications without being ordered by a doctor. Johnny relays the man's vitals and then Brackett orders an IV.

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