


Messin' Around

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Script #37422; Episode #3.15; Airdate: 1/12/1974

Writer: Dennis Landa
Richard Newton

Guest Cast: J. Pat O'Malley, Ann Prentiss, Karl Swenson, Carol Lawson, John Shawlee, Paul Bryer, Vince Howard, Tammy Harrington, Paul Sorenson, Lance Kerwin.

Story: Johnny is besieged by the phantom aka Chet. A child is trapped in a burning tree. A bulldozer drives off a cliff and lands on top of a garbage truck injuring three men. A loveable old hypochondric has a real illness for a change.  The owner of a gas station has stomach problems. A man is speechless after his wife gives him sap from her houseplant.  Roy and Johnny need Vince's help to treat a child who has swallowed ant poison.

Goofs:  (1) When bringing out the kid that swallowed the ant poison on the stretcher the left strap is over the side bar. When putting him into the ambulance it's not over the side bar.(2) When Roy and Johnny return from a run, Roy backs the squad in next to the old crown engine. The next run, the new Ward LaFrance engine is there as it should be! (3) There is a tree fire at the beginning of the story. When Chet and Marco are connecting the nozzles to the inch and a halves at the back of the truck, you see that it is a Crown. However this episode the Ward La France. Also, Captain Stanley has Roy pull the reel line. You see the reel line being pulled off the left side of the rig. Next thing you see it coming off the right side. (4) Every time engine 51 rolls out in a call Mike 
Stoker gets in wearing his black jacket then drives off. However when he gets out at the scene, he is wearing his turnout coat. There is no way he could have put it on enroute.

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