




curling deporte.

Script #35708; Episode #2.2; Airdate: 9/23/1972

Writer: Michael Donovan
George Fenady

Guest Cast: Roger Perry, Jaeckel, Anne Whitfield, Christian Juttier, Gary Clarke, John Travolta

Story: A number of kids get into trouble. A boy fall down a hole, though Dr. Brackett is sure his injuries are a result of abuse rather than the fall, and is warned that his pursuit of the matter could jeopardize his career. Roy and Johnny rescue a boy trapped who's head is trapped in a crawlspace vent. A young hiker is injured in a canyon fall. The station gets a new mascot.

Goofs:  (1) When they’re hauling the hiker up the cliff (no, really, it doesn’t look like a dummy, not at all) (2) Roy looks at map before address is given. (3) When they leave for their first run the guys in the engine put their turnout coat on when they arrive at the scene they are not wearing them. (4) When Johnny grabs the kid in the hole and he is being pulled out by his fellow firefighters, he shakes his head which is all dusty and dirty. When he is seen at the hospital later, his head is all nice and clean and his hair is combed.

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