



Script # 37428; Episode #3.22; Airdate: 3/23/1974

Writer: John Groves
: Kevin Tighe

Guest Cast: Ross Elliot, Annette Cardona, Yvonne Craig, Zina Bethune, Reb Brown, Lorraine Baptist, Judd Laurance

Story: The men at the station get excited about a competition for new firefighting innovations. The paramedics deal with crises involving possible radiation poisoning from radioactive waste in a wrecked truck and a cloud of sulfuric acid fumes. A mysterious illness befells a business man after a taxi ride.  A man steps through an attic floor and becomes trapped in the ceiling.

Goofs:  (1) At the end there is this huge chemical leak. As the guys roll up you can see in the cab of the engine, Mike Stoker and Captain Stanley have their air tanks on. Wouldn't you think they would have a heck of a time putting them on while enroute? (2) The woman involved in the accident in the opening segment - Dr. Brackett says that she has a left sided Pneumothorax (A collapsed lung), however Dr. Morton is starting the chest tube on the right side!!! (3) John and Roy are ready to bring the victim down form the pipes. Captain Stanley gets on the handi talk and clearly says" Battalion 14, this is engine 41...." Engine 41 is not mentioned in that call and it is clearly Captain Stanley's voice.

Tidbits: Inventions was actually filmed at station 127.   (Thanks to Kelli for this info)

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