



crush saga juegos.

Script #37420; Episode #3.21; Airdate: 2/23/1974

Writer: Brian Taggert
Christian I. Nyby, II

Guest Cast: Jack Hogan, Jack Manning, Beth Brickell, Bill Welsh, Wes Parker, Richard Friend, Bill Andes, Angelo Gristani, Helen Page Camp, Art Ballinger, Buck Young.

Story: Johnny and Roy are disappointed when they are the only squad not called to a major brushfire. Dixie gets her hand caught in a vending machine. A lawyer collapses in the court room with an apparent heart attack. Roy and Johnny finally make it to the brushfire and become trapped while rescuing another firefighter.

Goofs:  (1) Roy was whipping up eggs with sage in them and Johnny was watching the fire coverage on TV when the alarm sounded. Roy stuck the bowl of eggs in the freezer instead of the refrigerator before they left! It was almost like he pulled open the left-hand door and hesitated a second because he knew he had the wrong door. (2) John and Roy are in the fire zone trying to rescue a trapped fire fighter and are on the radio to the fire chief who is in his car trying to find the location of engine 51. Anyways, the chief is talking into his microphone, but he is obviously not pushing the big red mike button. This must be a magic mike or something! (3) At the end, the guys are sitting under a tree eating when Johnny and Roy arrive from the hospital. Johnny reaches over and picks up Chet's drink, takes a sip, and puts the drink back in front of Chet. Another camera angle and the cup is back in his hand. (4) John and Roy finally get called up to the Harvest Hills fire. As they are going down the street you hear the dispatcher at the fire say "Engine 60, Engine 36, Engine 99 Engine 51. Proceed to Colley Canyon." Finally John and Roy are there at Station 65 with their aid station set up. When Engine 51 rolls up to have Chet's eyes washed out. Chet is sitting there with Marco, John and Roy when you hear on the P.A. "Send a task force out of station 65 to Colley Canyon." Then the very same dispatch you heard when John and Roy were still in the city going to the fire scene goes out word for word.

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