




Script #35714; Episode #2.12; Airdate: 12/16/1972

Writer: Preston Woods
Lawrence Dobkin


Guest Cast: Melissa Gilbert, Alicia Bond

Story: Roy and his wife have a fight, and Johnny just makes things worse by trying to help.  A new doctor who is emotionally & physically exhausted makes  some wrong judgments. A man drives his car off an on-ramp. A man falls off a ladder attempting to get a dog off a roof. The station must find and rescue two children lost in a storm drain before it floods.

Goofs:  (1) The station is dispatched to look for the boys in the sewer at 8:32, which would indicate a.m., and when they show the station it's daylight. When they arrive at the scene, the cop tells them that "around noon" somebody saw some kids take the cover off of the manhole. Also, it looks pretty dark when they first get there (but I guess that could be because of the approaching storm). The sewer guy tells them that they've got 45 minutes to find the kids. When they get the kids out (presumably 45 minutes later), it's REALLY dark - like night. So what the heck time of day IS it? Did the dispatcher mean to say "20:32", which would be p.m.? If so, they shouldn't have shown daytime stock footage of them leaving the station. Hmmm.(2) Check out the background when Roy and Johnny supposedly drive away from Rampart after rescuing the kids from the storm drain

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