


Family Ties

Script #44910; Episode #6.15; Airdate: 2/19/1977

Finance Phantom Bot.

Writer: Carole and Michael Rasdiella
Cliff Bole

Guest Cast: Howard Honig, Susan Lawrence, Jimmy Van Patten, Debbie Storm, Dirk Evans.

Story: Roy's mother-in-law is scheduled for her annual visit. A car runs into the back of a truck. There’s a fire in a hospital room at Rampart. A model rocket sets an attic on fire trapping two teenagers and Chet is thrown into a tree by the subsequent explosion. A man gets lead poisoning from "quack" medicine. Dr. Brackett and Dr. Early argue over attending a convention in Acapulco.

Goofs:  Note that when Dr. Morton calls for help during the fire at Rampart, he says "Code Red in Room 127!!" Isn't room 127 Dr. Brackett's Office?

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