Script #44903; Episode #4.22; Airdate:
Writer: Preston Wood
Director: Kevin Tighe
apuestas de vela.
Guest Cast: Terry Kiser, Anne Schedeen.
Story: Claiming that it is therapeutic, a husband & wife become
embroiled in several violent arguments. The station gets a new mascot who turns out to be
a real ball of fire. The station responds to a fire where Johnny and Roy have to break
into a top secret lab. Johnny attempts to rescue two men from a cave-in but becomes
trapped himself.
Goofs: (1) When Johnny is down in the cave-in, talking
on the HT to Roy, Roy relays to Rampart that the victim has a 'large bruise' on his chest,
but Johnny hasn't mentioned this yet, and as far as I can tell, hasn't even taken the
victims shirt off yet. (2) Look at Gage's uniform after they return from the hospital.
It's all dirty when they get back, and when he welcomes Henry to Station 51, but it gets
miraculously clean when they search for the missing dishes. Greatest Presto-chango that
I've ever seen. (3) Johnny and Roy enter the burning building to look for a victim.
Johnny cuts a locked door open with the K12 and then pushes the door open and falls going in. The
blooper-You can clearly hear Roy say " Randy are you alright?" he says Randy not