



Dinner Date

Script #35705; Episode #2.10; Airdate: 12/2/1972

Writer: Dick Morgan
Dennis Donnelly

bono de bienvenida sin depósito.

Guest Cast: Lynn Carlin, Jean Alison, Emily Yancy, Michael C. Gwynn, Dawn Lyn, Laurette Spang, Drout Miller, Judy Farrell, Patty McCormack, Deidre Hall

Story: Roy tries to set Johnny up with Joanne's cousin. A woman almost hits a boy on a bike, who chokes, she later has an epileptic fit. A man is shot by his father-in-law. A child has her arm trapped in a swimming pool drain. An obese man suffers from heart problems.  Several drug-related victims are seen at Rampart including a man with tetanus, a woman with gangrene, and a girl whose drugs were laced with sodium hydroxide.

Goofs:  Captain Stanley nearly trips over as he and the guys reach the car where the overweight guy is trapped…close call huh? lol.

Tidbits:  Dennis Donnelly is Tim Donnelly's brother

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