


Body Language

Script #37418; Episode #3.12; Airdate: 12/8/1973

Writer: Arthur Weiss
Dennis Donnelly

apostar ruleta.

Guest Cast: Ronald Feinberg, Ronne Troup*, Randy Boone, Kenneth Tobey, Julie Rogers, Bill Williams, Frank Bonner, Hank Jones, Joe Danova, Michael Campbell, Mary Angelo, Vince Howard, Scott Gorlav, Joseph Albee, Michael Morgan.

Story: Johnny's current girlfriend think he has proposed to her. A crop-duster makes a rough landing in a field and the pilot suffers a punctured lung meanwhile a bystander is poisoned by the pesticides. A patient reports to Rampart with an ear infection caused by mothballs. A teenage couple "trips out" after eating daffodil bulbs.  A weekend cowboy suffers a head injury and refuses treatment.  A rock band goes over the edge and one of its members suffers a heart attack.

Goofs:  (1) At the corral, the ambulance arrives next to the squad and the doors open. You can see someone start to get out, but no one arrives to assist. In the next shot, the ambulance is behind the squad and the attendants are just arriving. (2) It's not a blooper, but just fun  look for the musician that "plays the drums" on Chet's helmet. (3) Those darn blue coats…on again, off again, jiggity jig

Tidbits:  Ronnie Troup & Kelly Troup - daughters of Bobby Troup; Dennis Donnelly - brother of Tim Donnelly

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