



Script #40621; Episode #4.15; Airdate:  1/4/1975

Writer: John Groves
George Fenady

Guest Cast: Colby Chester, Elisabeth Brooks, Lora Kaye, Joyce Davis, James Chandler.

Story: A former high school classmate of Johnny's is assigned as the squad's new paramedic trainee and finds the transition a little overwhelming. A man is bitten by a cobra, another man has a heart attack, and Roy is hit in the eye with cobra venom. The firemen rescue a man trapped in his kitchen and have to deal with hydrogen-sulfide. The Squad responds to two calls at an amusement park.

Goofs:  (1) The mailbox falls off the house as they're bringing out the guy with the acid burns. (2) Gil's helmet number is 81, as opposed to 51. This could be because his department was just incorporated into the county, and Gil is just wearing the number of the station where he'll be assigned after field training. Or it could just be a numbering mistake by the costumer.

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