



Show Biz

Script #35711; Episode #2.3; Airdate:  9/30/1972

Writer: Daryl Henry
Sam C. Freedle

Guest Cast: Henry Jones, Christine Dixon, Lillian Lehman, Joseph Kaufman, Ted Gehring, Monica Lewis, Deidre Hall, Joseph Perry, Ezra Stone

Story: There’s a photography shoot at the station and Johnny gets picked to be in the pictures with the girls. When Johnny and Roy can't reach Rampart, a country doctor assists them with an injured man pinned under a tractor, and then becomes a victim himself. Roy and Johnny rescue a drowning man and a stuntman trapped on a waterfall.

Goofs:  (1) When John and Roy assist Dr. Knot after his first cardiac problem on the road, the Mayfair ambulance that transports them is a Chevy Suburban type vehicle. When they arrive at Rampart, the Chevy uses the turnaround to back up. But when they show the ambulance backing up, it mysteriously turns into a type 1 box! Is this another case of the magical Rampart Emergency Entrance? (2)- The producer guy is introduced to "Johnny and Roy".  He shakes Roy's hand and says "Nice to meet you Kevin."

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